Top 10 Nerdy Actresses That Are Actually Hot In Real Life


Perhaps the biggest change in Hollywood the last 10-or-so years (apart from the endless reboots and remakes) has been the social redemption of nerds. We did it guys, we’re finally part of the normal people! We’ve somehow turned the social ladder all the way upside down and ended up on top. We even have some of the most attractive people around, and your typical let’s-use-this-as-an-excuse-each-Saturday-to-not-have-to-go-outside TV shows or movies have caught on. While some of these may not look like much on the screen, every single one of them is attractive by pretty much any standard today.

10. Melissa Rauch

Known best for her role as Bernadette Rostenkowski (try saying that 10 times in quick succession) in the hit Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady TV show/love child “The Big Bang Theory”, she’s known for being that amazing-looking blonde in real life.

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